I made two new websites! jackmottram.com is a fancy modern homepage which lets you see what I’m up to all over the web, and Work collects stuff I’ve written in the newspapers and magazines.
« »We invite you to come see the 2020 and hear about the DECSystem-20 family–Gary Thuerk, in the very first spam email
« »Celebrate clinging curtsey casket. Bartholomew celsius antagonism dicta audience clamorous. Barton also accountant. Camilla disperse anglophobia died bolshevist bundestag. Chiefdom conscionable darken abroad. Bloodroot ape–From a spam email, source of the best 21st Century poetry.
« »The images from the Spam Architecture series are generated by a computer program that accepts as input, junk email. Various patterns, keywords and rhythms found in the text are translated into three-dimensional modeling gestures.
# architecture, spam, visualisation