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Tumblequote August 9, 2007

We invite you to come see the 2020 and hear about the DECSystem-20 family–Gary Thuerk, in the very first spam email


Tumblequote July 27, 2007

Celebrate clinging curtsey casket. Bartholomew celsius antagonism dicta audience clamorous. Barton also accountant. Camilla disperse anglophobia died bolshevist bundestag. Chiefdom conscionable darken abroad. Bloodroot ape–From a spam email, source of the best 21st Century poetry.

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Tumblephoto August 4, 2006

Spam architecture

The images from the Spam Architecture series are generated by a computer program that accepts as input, junk email. Various patterns, keywords and rhythms found in the text are translated into three-dimensional modeling gestures.

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