Submit Response


Submit Response is a weblog by Jack Mottram, a journalist who lives in Glasgow, Scotland. There are 1308 posts in the archives. You can subscribe to a feed. This post was made on and belongs in the web category. The previous post was , and the next post is .

Portal Schmortal

Pixel Industries have launched a new Design Portal.

  1. it’s very pretty
  2. it’s navigation is wildly counter-intuitive
  3. most of the content appears way off to the right, so far off that i can’t actually see it on my dinky laptop monitor, and the window is set to noresize.
  4. it’s so chock full of javascript widgets that little things like the back button on my browser stop working
  5. half of the text that looks linky is unclickable
  6. it takes an absolute age to load, even on my usually speedy ADSL line

So why does Mr. Zeldman, not exactly known for giving sites with the above ‘features’ an easy ride, affiliate with them?

Posted at 10am on 02/08/02 by Jack Mottram to the web category.
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