Vote Pete Burns
British readers, it is your duty to vote for Pete Burns in tonight’s poll to crown the champion of Celebrity Big Brother.
Consider the alternatives: a not wholly unpleasant, well-dressed and handsome young man, a not wholly unpleasant, vaguely pretty young woman with learning difficulties, a sad, alarmingly unfunny old man, some lad from a novelty hip-hop act and a woman who appears to have had her personality surgically removed in exchange for a grisly pair of tits.
Then, consider Pete Burns: a post-human vision of beauty and terror, a living sculpture, inarguably the greatest living Englishman.

Update: A sad day indeed, but I suppose that Pete Burns was doomed to fail, too beautiful to be accepted by a jealous public. And it is at least some consolation that that public found it in their hearts to award the prize to a poor, brave retarded child.
Voted last night. He’s from the Wirral anyway, so we would vote for him, would’nt we?
Posted by Donny at 4pm on 27.01.06
He’s gawjuss - can’t believe he didn’t win
Posted by Rita at 11pm on 29.01.06
Here, Here!!
Petes Amazing, A Complete Legend, Until Big Brother I Didn’t Know That A Man Could Be So Pretty. Im A 15 Year Old Girl, And Think That Hes A Complete Legend. He Should Have Won By Miles.
Posted by Jodi at 12pm on 30.01.06
pete should have won by miles, people who dont agree are jelous of his clothes (they are gorge) and his intelligence
from katie 14.
Posted by k8 at 12pm on 14.02.06
he ashould hae won hes the most amazingly funny and hot woman thats not really a woman im 14 and think hes gorgous and im only 14 the best most funny guy ever to enter the world
Posted by david at 6pm on 16.02.06
i voted for him hes gorgous and outragously cool and funny the bes woman that isint really a womkan youll ever see i think hes gorgus and im 14 hes ltimitly the collest guy o the planet
Posted by david-14 at 6pm on 16.02.06
yea, i agree wiv u david xxxxx
Posted by katie at 8pm on 19.02.06
pete you are the best i like you the way you are.
all the best lost of love james xx
Posted by james at 11am on 09.05.06
kool kat
Posted by kim at 4pm on 26.06.06