On The Liking Of Neon
Often, when I begin to tidy up an almost-finished piece of writing, I find lines that must be removed, but that I really rather like.
Here is one such line:
It is not clear whether they like neon, are amused by the idea of liking neon, or are amused by the possibility that others will find it amusing that they are amused by the idea of liking neon.
What was I thinking?
he he, I like that - reminds me of a mate called john who was spotted washing his feet in the sink a few years ago in my mate Gideon’s flat. We’re unsure of whether or not he was washing them in such an effort-intensive manner becuase he generally cared about keeping his feet immaculate or whether or not he just wanted people to think that he was one of those people that looked after himself and was organised enough to have a structured personal hygeine program - kind of like american celebrities who say they do yoga every day and eat healthily etc etc.
Posted by urusei at 3pm on 12.12.05