Janet In The British Journal Of Photography
My friend Janet is featured in the Endframe section of the current issue of the BJP with her portrait series The National Game, 90 images of Glasgow bingo players. Here’s my favourite (which will be hanging on my wall, as soon as the wall is painted white):

More exciting still, publication on the Endframe pages puts photographers in the running for the snappily-titled BJP/Nikon Endframe Dream Project Challenge, which grants £5,000 to the winner to fund, well, a dream project (in Janet’s case, a trip to Japan to photograph Pachinku players).
So, congratulations and good luck!
is it poss to purchase any of janet’s work? have a slight ongoing photophetish in my treehouse..
Posted by veryape at 7pm on 12.05.05
It is indeed - contact details are on Janet’s outdated webpage… there’s 90-odd bingo players to choose from, and a great series called The Braes (Janet’s auntie’s house, in all its eccentrically decorated glory).
Posted by Jack at 4pm on 14.05.05