Submit Response


Submit Response is a weblog by Jack Mottram, a journalist who lives in Glasgow, Scotland. There are 1308 posts in the archives. You can subscribe to a feed. This post was made on and belongs in the politics category. The previous post was , and the next post is .

Page 3 Politics

Model Propaganda: The Sun, The Girls, The Truth is a great little overview of Page 3, with a focus on the recent replacement of the old pun-heavy captions with ‘News In Briefs,’ which allows the young lady showing off her bosoms to share her pithy Murdoch-approved take on the pressing issues of the day.

My favourite News In Briefs gobbet is, I think, this one:

ANNA is shocked the Government has taken so long to release its “terror attack” leaflet. She said: “Why has it taken so long to bring out a 22-page pamphlet on basic planning for emergencies like keeping a supply of batteries, food and water? This should have been rushed out after 9/11.”

I know I always specify the number of pages in a pamphlet when making off the cuff political remarks, so it’s nice to see that Anna - 22, from London - does the same.

Of course, it’s little wonder that leftist analysis of Page 3 has moved on to its role as a propaganda tool, since any doubts anyone may have had about it being, you know, outmoded, exploitative and offensive pornography were quashed earlier this month by Shell Jubin, star of Big Brother and recipient of a First Class Honours degree in Art History from the University of Glasgow. Just in case you missed her considered thoughts:

Those who sneer at Page 3 lack intelligence. It’s beautifully-shot and tastefully pioneered the celebration of the female form.

In many ways it emancipated women, letting them exploit their assets, earn cash and keep control. I see it as a modern art form.

Interestingly, Ms. Jubin’s tits-out remarks are not the first time she’s taken a post-feminist stand. One of her tutors at Glasgow (who will remain nameless, for obvious reasons) was so appalled by the total dismissal of feminism in one undergraduate essay that he returned it unmarked, save for the following statistic:

On average, women in the UK earn 24.1% less an hour than men doing an equivalent job.

Who needs Heat when you have Submit Response?

Posted at 6pm on 02/09/04 by Jack Mottram to the politics category.
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  1. isnt it amazing how modern ‘young women’ seem completely oblivious to the suffragette/feminist movement and fail to understand had it not been for these movements/women, they would not have the priviledge of being so nonchalant

    getting yer tits out on page three does not a liberated woman make

    grrrrrr says the badger

    Posted by badgergirl at 11am on 03.09.04

  2. Worse than that, though, is folk who are aware of feminism, however broadly, and think that it’s somehow old hat, or something to do with previous generations of women.

    I remember being in an otherwise all-women tutorial group for Scottish Literature at University, and I ended up transferring because I kept getting into raging arguments about feminism - it was just too weird being the only bloke and the only feminist in the room! (What a ridiculous situation; a man shouting at a woman that feminism isn’t bloody well ‘over.’)

    Posted by Jack Mottram at 2pm on 03.09.04

  3. Those who support feminism should do what everyone else does to get the attention of today’s mindless youths: market it.

    How about e-feminism? Feminism-X?

    I do, of course, jest. The problem is that a lot of people just don’t care about social issues any more. Give them enough booze, celebrity gossip, and other facile culture and they’ll be docile enough. Go against the grain and you’ll be labelled: a hippie, a traitor, a freak, a goth (don’t ask), or some other ill-conceived insult.

    I blame that internet thing.

    Posted by Gary Fleming at 5pm on 03.09.04

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