When I am not wearing my glasses, I can’t see well enough to find my glasses. This little Catch 22 gets me every so often, if I forget to put my glasses in their case before going to bed. Most of the time, they turn out to be on the bathroom shelf, or on top of the radio. Today, after half an hour of searching, I gave up and resigned myself to stumbling out to get the Sunday papers half-blind. That’s when I found them:

Funny how the mind skews the definition of ‘a safe place’ after a night on the tiles.
tiles? i don’t remember getting you the loft key and the ladder…
Posted by Donna at 10pm on 08.06.03
yesterday my glasses were in their usual place but i had mislaid myself
Posted by bobby at 9am on 10.06.03
aye! i get into the same plight from time to time. putting them in the same place every night often helps…
Posted by arthur at 5pm on 12.06.03