Submit Response


Submit Response is a weblog by Jack Mottram, a journalist who lives in Glasgow, Scotland. There are 1308 posts in the archives. You can subscribe to a feed. This post was made on and belongs in the politics category. The previous post was , and the next post is .

Exposing PNAC is gathering steam. The site aims to investigate, analyze, and expose the The Project for the New American Century and their plan, currently well underway, for a ‘unipolar’ world.

I still can’t get my head around PNAC, because the organisation is a strange sort of open conspiracy: it bears all the hallmarks of the shadowy military-industrial complex cabals that litter conspiracy theory, with suitably sinsiter aims, but it carries out its business in the open. (Of course, the paranoid amongst us will take this as evidence that, if this scary shit is out in the open, the shit behind closed doors must be really scary.)

Discussed previously:

  1. John Pilger on Rumsfeld, Cheney, PNAC and P20G
  2. More on PNAC
  3. Me, Paranoid?

Posted at 11am on 06/04/03 by Jack Mottram to the politics category.
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  1. I’m trying to work up the courage to read more about PNAC, but really, it scares the shit out of me.

    Posted by Donna at 5pm on 06.04.03

  2. Sorry, I was reading, but whenever I read the words “military-industrial complex” I fall about laughing. WTF is that anyway. Didn’t it go out of fashion with, like, the Boer war… How can it be shadowy and have a hallmark?

    Oh, ignore me. I’m just in a silly mood, I guess.

    Posted by pete at 11pm on 21.04.03

  3. Pete - er, yep, you seem to have summarised the post there - the ‘shadowy military-industrial-complex cabal’ bit was meant to poke fun at the hyperbole of conspiracy theory (the sort of things I used to say in all seriousness when I was fifteen!) and the whole point is that PNAC sounds like something from the ravings of a paranoid backwoods militiaman, but is actually running US foreign policy…

    Posted by Jack at 11am on 22.04.03

  4. Expose the PNACers

    Jack Mottram of Submit Response - a sharply written scottish blog - points to, a site exposing the details of the previously mentioned shadowy Project for a New American Century. I still can’t get my head around PNAC, because…

    Posted by informage at 12am on 07.05.03

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