John Pilger on Rumsfeld, Cheney, PNAC and P20G
A corner of contemporary conspiracy theory that passed me by:John Pilger outlines the activities of PNAC and P2OG. It’s even scarier than those acronyms suggest.
[Link from Bushwacker, posting on Optimo Echatio]
mind yr spelling - it’s Bushwhacker!
Posted by Wordyrappinghood at 10pm on 23.01.03
apologies! thinking of layo &…
Posted by Jack at 12pm on 24.01.03
Me, Paranoid?
We’ve had over a hundred hits in the last month from the US Military top level domain. Our .mil friends…
Posted by Submit Response at 2pm on 26.03.03
I dont know much about the intricacies of efficiently surfing the internet, my experience is very little with computers in general, but I find it strange that by means of intuitive navigation, on the open server search sites when you search key words of the pnac venacular, you find the officail pnac site followed by several coincidental acronyms of many various organizations entirely unrelated to the project of the new american century. after scrolling the list for some time you find the great wealth of conspiracy that sorrounds such natured keywords and I have no knowlidge of it,but I imagine that the order of most eligable files conjured by a certain keyword would be representative of the # of hits that site gets related or unrelated to the topic of interest combined with some measure of frequency of the key word, and maybe some kind of website profiling that would more accurately search any particular word or words. BUT that is pretty easy to explain that there is some avoidance of conspiricy by the public these days, but some of the most amazingly arbitrary organizations seem more prevalent through the search engine than what you would think would be many peoples next logical step in researching the pnac of our leadership and various commentators on the state of the world, would be to search also the american forum on this “project” I’m not really sure what they are really working on, the education seems to be very statisticly thin, it seems to be defense redderick. but immediately after seeing the reference to “pax americana” i asked jeeves to find the defintion of pax americana and the results were filled with what I had not seen so far sites that were titled “dont worry, pax americana and forced reform of the world are not coming” and although that article in particular seemed to be a certain nonchlante attitude that i really like. it was a ploy on the supposed unwillingness of the american people to be imperialistic with our idological agenda but a evergrowing suspicious american public about the full state of the world mixed the i guess what is the need for govenrment secrecy and government power to shift the ideological identity of our court system from the open justice we propose for the world to careful shielding of peoples rights in the interest of national security. ultimately i feel that this is somehow related to the expansion of man as a loss of nationalistic loyalties. they have been the shelter of the light as we have witnessed in men before us giving great sacrifices and accomplishing amazing feats in the closed interest in a nation or extended family of some sort. but this was not happening the whole time in vain. man has so far in some kind of subconcious way risin a great pillar of community consiousness and reasources in such a way that we need less and less to base our affirmed allegience to a nation and look into our obligation mankind or at least some kind of divintiy, something that would at least try to the water of all the major statements we are make about our goals and feelings about the world population as a whole.
Posted by eichael at 10am on 28.03.03
I have been to over 60 countries in the world. I am a man of many talents and fears. I stumbled upon this site and I am happy but puzzled that I did. What I am happy about is that there are still naive people in the world.
What I am puzzled with is the apparent lack of respect that the naive people of this country have for anything that remotely pertains to American pride and authority. Do you think Syria is a bad country? Do you think San Francisco is a bad city? Do you think where you were born, and where you grew up was a “bad” area? Have you ever even tried to envision what it must be like to live in a repressive government? A state where your basic human rights, like the right to speak your opinion and your right to freedom of religion and beliefs is taken away and forbidden under penalty of death?
Do you think Syria is a bad country? Do you have any idea? Syria is high up there on the list of serious murderers and disgusting government. Disgusting by american standards doesn’t mean disgusting by Muslim standards, btw.
Do you think San Francisco is a bad city? How about the Bronx? How about Tallahasee, or De Moines. Have you left your house in the past week? Do you get out much? Open your eyes to the world around you. Go somewhere. Meet everyday people of other neighborhoods, cities, states, countries, continents… tell me what you have to fear from our wonderful american government when you get back from your peaceful homage to Angola.
This message brought to you by freedom of speech, and a myriad of other (taken for granted) freedoms.
Posted by Tony at 10pm on 01.04.03
Tony - I can’t really take issue with what you say: America is a fantastic place (we’re in the UK, by the way) and I’d certainly move there before Syria, or any of the oppressive regimes you mention. But, the issue here is with US foreign policy, which is not directed by humanitarian concern, but by US economic interests. Of course, arguments against wars like this get muddied when you have to admit that the lot of the average Iraqi will most likely improve, regardless of the motives of their ‘liberators.’ If the US were genuinely in the business of deposing despots and restoring democracy, and if they did this by exerting economic and diplomatic pressure, I’d probably be all for it. They don’t though, as any Palestinian can tell you, as any Saudi citizen can tell you - The US has no interest in liberating people, it has an interest in expanding it’s sphere of influence in the Middle East in order to secure the area’s natural resources. So, yes, America is a good country, as countries go, and I know I have nothing much to fear from the American people, save for the fact that they are willing to elect (and that’s still a matter of debate) a President who’s aims and methods are thoroughly repugnant.
Posted by Jack at 11am on 02.04.03
This idea that people in America have nothing to fear from their government, and not bother to question it because of civil wars going on in Congo and Angola producing indescribeable acts of terror, perverted rape and murder for fun, and by comparsion America is great, is no fing Argument at all!
America is the major superpower, at least thats the way it appears. It is important for the people who live ther in supposed feedom to be able to question those in power and question their actions and keep them in check.
You cannot compare some of the human tragedys that societies get themselves into, with the USA and then say well, its not as bad as that so lets just forget about it, its ridiculous.
If America values its freedom then it should bloody well try and make sure it does not end up like Angloa, and the way to do that is by keeping an eye on the society that you live in.
lots of social problems, may not be as bad as civil war, but they are still problems, its not an excuse to say “hell, who cares? At least im not in Angloa, lets just pretend it doesnt matter”
Next thing you know you might just end up being Angloa.
Start with sorting out the National Debt!
Posted by Adam at 8pm on 16.06.05
You English people are really pieces of shit and honestly, if it wasn’t for your greed and stealing…the world would be a more decent place. You ARE the shits who will destroy Europe.
Posted by Illaria Neroni at 10pm on 31.07.05
Er, yeah, thanks for adding to the debate Illaria.
Posted by Jack Mottram at 6pm on 01.08.05
You guys are torturers though and those that arnt let it go on.
Some of you even think torture is a good thing!
I mea other than the psychopaths that run your military and federal government
You cant really judge others.
Who did you steal N.America off btw, if you want to go there.
Adam, UK
Posted by Adam at 4pm on 15.01.06