The Crazy New Way Of Thinking?
I was talking to Gerard the other day about the sad demise of Jaques Derrida, and between us we couldn’t think of a single crazy new way of thinking, like deconstruction, that’s cropped up in recent times.
Obviously, we’re quite old now, and those days of being a sixth former or undergraduate - when far too many crazy new ways of thinking are rammed down your throat and half-digested - are over, but it still seems that it’s been a while since anyone really whipped up a storm in terms of theory and philosphy.
So, to, um, paraphrase Bongwater: what’s big in thinking now?
you could try alain badiou, who tries to think big about ethics. his premise is that “human rights” is a disgusting, westernist concept designed to provide a ready-packed Thing to Fight For and to ensure that the message of the great demons Democracy and Capitalism take over any culture that we posit as other. monsieur badiou would rather see us all using the event of our personal dissent to change things. oh, and he’s all about Mao.
he was written on many other topics as well, but i’m only familiar with the ethics stuff.
Posted by nicky at 9pm on 16.10.04