Submit Response


Submit Response is a weblog by Jack Mottram, a journalist who lives in Glasgow, Scotland. There are 1308 posts in the archives. You can subscribe to a feed. This post was made on and belongs in the site news category. The previous post was , and the next post is .

New-look Comments

Some tedious site news for you - I’ve made some changes to the comments on this site.

First of all, a non-change: you can still post a comment in the same way as before, with an email address required.

However, if you have a TypeKey identity, you can now sign in to the site and merrily comment away. While there are many poential problems with a centralised authentification system like this, it might be worth signing up with TypeKey anyway - an increasing number of weblogs are using the service and once you sign into one TypeKey-enabled weblog or website, you’re signed into them all.

Since I also installed the emergency release of MTBlacklist, it’s just possible that when leaving a comment you’ll see an error message telling you that you’re attmpting to post ‘questionable content.’ This won’t happen very often, but if it does, chances are you’ve tried to link to an URL associated with comment spammers, tried to link to more than five websites or included words so filthy and pornographic that you probably shouldn’t be posting them on a respectable weblog like this. (Ordinary swearing remains, of course, positively encouraged). In the unlikely event that you see one of these errors, try editing your comment to remove anything that looks at all spam-like, and if that fails, I suppose you’ll just have to send your comment via email, like in olden times.

Any questions? Leave a comment!

Posted at 6pm on 17/08/04 by Jack Mottram to the site news category.
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  1. This is just a test comment. As you can see, there’s a little talking person icon next to my name down there. Click it to view my TypeKey profile, if you like.

    I’m not sure I like the icon the way it is, so it may not be an little talking person icon by the time you read this; it might not be an icon at all, in fact.

    Posted by Jack Mottram at 7pm on 17.08.04

  2. ooh
    no comment spam here!

    Posted by sisterphonetica at 8pm on 18.08.04

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