What’s In Your Dock?
We normally make some attempt to avoid posting on the meme du jour here, but I rather like this one, and so will bend the unwritten rule.

I have a rather pedestrian, Apple-centric Dock, I fear. In it, you can see: Finder, NetNewsWire (with an unread count of 406!), Mail, Safari, Mozilla Firebird, Camino, Explorer, Photoshop, BBEdit, Hydra, Terminal, iTunes, System Preferences, a little Applescript application thingy (to launch various browsers, BBEdit and CSSEdit), MPlayer, Bittorrent, iCal and, of course, the Trash.
For good measure, here’s what’s in my Menu Bar too:

And, since those icons are even more cryptic than the ones in the Dock, here’s the list: SoundSource, Bluetooth, MenuMeters (showing network traffic), AppleScripts, iChat (because I can’t seem to make the icon go away), Modem status, Airport status, Battery level, iSync, the Time & Date, Salling Clicker, and Searchling.
So, what’s in yours?
Update: Over at Frownland, Matt makes a convincing case for ditching the Dock in favour of Dragthing. I should add at this point that my Dock use is minimal, thanks to the wonderful LaunchBar.
you big show off. the coolest thing on my dock (in my dock??) is my Goban game application for macOSX. japanese pebble gaming. stuff your Halo.
Posted by g.ape at 11pm on 02.10.03
you big show off. the coolest thing on my dock (in my dock??) is my Goban game application for macOSX. japanese pebble gaming. stuff your Halo.
Posted by g.ape at 11pm on 02.10.03
you big show off. the coolest thing on my dock (in my dock??) is my Goban game application for macOSX. japanese pebble gaming. stuff your Halo.
Posted by g.ape at 11pm on 02.10.03
You need Salling Clicker V2.0, that’s the old icon!
Posted by Col at 6pm on 03.10.03
Yikes! The shame of using elderly software ;)
Posted by Jack at 3pm on 04.10.03
You have AFAIK a broken link (the first in fact) in the source code of the article. Take a look:
We normally make some attempt to avoid posting on the meme du jour here, but I rather like this one
Posted by lUCAS at 11am on 05.10.03
Oop. Thanks for spotting that IUCAS…
Posted by Jack at 6pm on 05.10.03
Posted by stirmonster at 12pm on 09.10.03
Goodness, what a lot of unknown-to-me icons… all music stuff, I guess?
Geeky note - I see the Alcatel USB modem status monitor thingy there - i found that if you eradicate all traces of that from your computer, and replace all alcatel stuff with the drivers BT provide from their site, you stop getting the dreaded unplug kernel panic. Can’t find the url for the drivers just now though…
Posted by Jack Mottram at 1pm on 09.10.03
Oh, for goodness sake - just Googled and the first result was for a comment I made in reply to a post I made on this bloody site. Weblogs are the new memory…
Anyway, here they are.
Posted by Jack Mottram at 1pm on 09.10.03
My Dock:
Finder, Mail, Address Book, Toast, Fire, iChat, MSN Messanger (ain’t I a chatty Cathy?) BankBook, Hydra, NetNewsWire Lite, IE, Camino, Safari, Freespace (an app to display available HD space), Acquisition (P2P), iTunes, Audio Hijack, HealthTracker (I’m on a diet, innit?), iPiano, iPhoto, Photoshop, Phoenix (LJ Client), Sherlock, LaunchBar, TextEdit, DropIT, SWG (Weather display thingy), iCal, iSync, Trash
Posted by Donna at 7pm on 11.10.03