A Counter
just added a counter so i can get really depressed about the fact that only myself and SH will ever come here… although the counter on the main site claims that more than 100 people have been there. we’ll be .com millionaires by christmas with that kind of traffic. okay, i’ll come clean: 102 people have visited.
maybe more folk will turn up when the interviews section goes up. first interviewee? the mighty diamanda galas. in the next couple of days we’ll be adding interviews with godspeed you black emperor!, stuart braithwaite of mogwai, lee ‘scratch’ perry, to roccoco rot and david mancuso (the last two can also be seen at the optimo site) and many, many more…
here is a photograph of ms. galas:

the london branch of the “submit/respond” comintern, SH, is on some sort of a flash roll at the moment, and i stole this link to soulbath from one of her posts . quite frankly, i like anyone who likes grayscale, and like all good art on the internet, it’s about the internet.
if you like it, you might want to follow some of the links at rhizome.org, or head straight for 0100101110101101.org or those grandaddys of net art, jodi.org…
on the subject of JODI: they have a great thing in the “Words & Things” show at the cca in glasgow just now. (although just what avowed net artists are doing showing work in a gallery is another question…) unfortunately, the rest of the show is pretty mince, with the exception of simon starling. as usual, he makes you laugh.
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