Submit Response » bluetooth Tue, 10 May 2011 01:19:15 +0000 en-us hourly 1 RingRingFindMyBloodyPhone Sun, 02 May 2004 19:51:37 +0000 You can do lots of fun and useful things with a Bluetooth-enabled mobile telephone and a Mac running OS X.

The excellent Salling Clicker allows you to control iTunes or DVDPlayer from your ‘phone, among many other things. Romeo has similar functionality, and an ever-expanding feature set thanks to user-contributed plugins. The Address Book has caller ID functions, and lets you carry on SMS conversations from your computer, and a new application called BluePhoneMenu expands on these features.

But I still can’t find an application that will let me make my ‘phone ring so I can find the bloody thing.

Given that all the applications mentioned above can do all manner of wild and wonderful things, I can’t imagine it would be impossible for a canny developer to whip up a menu item, dockling or what have you, that, with a single click or key combination, would cause my t610 to ring.

I would gladly pay for such a thing - not much, admittedly - since I lose track of my ‘phone at least three times a day, and having to dial my mobile number from my land line is such a chore.

I will ping the LazyWeb with this post, in the vain hope that someone awfully clever will hear my anguished cry, and make me the application of my dreams. I even have a crappy name prepared: RingRingFindMyBloodyPhone.

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