Comments on: Begging The Question Tue, 25 Feb 2014 12:56:25 +0000 hourly 1 By: Jack Mon, 08 Mar 2004 17:13:14 +0000 Here you go then…

Sensible Person: So, you reckon there’s a God, yeah? Any proof for that?

God Botherer: Why yes! In the Bible, I am sure you are aware, it says that God exists. Now, the Bible is the word of God, and He speaks only the truth. Therefore everything in the Bible is true, therefore God must exist! Do you see?!

Sensible Person: Uh, no, you’re just begging the question there, you big silly.

By: bunnyboiler Sun, 07 Mar 2004 14:14:25 +0000 ‘one begs a question when one cites as a premise that which assumes the conclusion to be true’ - I’m sorry, I don’t understand that. Please use ‘begging the question’ in a sentence for me so that I can be less stupid.

Incidentally, your apostrophe abuse is not as offensive as your tendency to spell the word ‘weird’ as ‘wierd.’ (shudder.)

By: Jack Fri, 05 Mar 2004 18:25:41 +0000 Good to hear of another chronic pedant!

To be honest, though, I’m more upset by the horror of ‘imply’ and ‘infer’ being used interchangeably than this - especially since the incorrect usage is supposedly legitimised by both Collins and Miriam-Webster’s dictionaries. The blood boils just thinking about it.

(But I must admit I’m guilty of some dreadful apostrophe abuse myself, especially in quick emails.)

By: Anne Fri, 05 Mar 2004 17:49:52 +0000 Fab! I thought my guy was the only one who gets pissed off at this ;)
