Comments on: “It’s their culture” Tue, 25 Feb 2014 12:56:25 +0000 hourly 1 By: Ida Fri, 27 Feb 2004 11:24:42 +0000 Yes, she seems to be wise, although the Lolita thing sounds a bit mad-fem-theory (‘Little Red Riding Hood As Menstrual Castration Myth’, you know) (which I’m sure it is, btw).

I was thinking re. Samira Makhmalbaf that what is really missing from her films is the element of sensuality - they’re totally sexless - which is partly cos of censorship but i think also a limitation of hers. (Being only nine, or so.)

Apparently there’s an amazing Iranian woman director named Bani-Etemad whose films are very much about gender and sexuality. But I don’t know if they exist on video or where I’d see them…
