Comments on: Michel Faber Tue, 25 Feb 2014 12:56:25 +0000 hourly 1 By: Maggie Freeman Wed, 20 Aug 2008 15:53:23 +0000 I too am so frustrated, how could you lead us along with all these people and leave us not knowing how they got on, did Agnes end up with someone kind caring for her, did she die of the tumure? Did that awful manwho had such a kind side end up with the scheming woman only to find he had commited bigamy(yes please) What happened to Sophie and Sugar, will Sophie turn up a lovely young lady and rescue her poor old pa? I can’t believe we could have been left in the lurch like this and I won’t get any more of Michel Fabers books unless there is a sequal. Now to the book shop and find the Ken Follet mentioned by Emma Dove

By: Maryann Tue, 09 Oct 2007 20:22:56 +0000 This is the first novel I have ever read…I don’t like to invest time into a “story”, but I couldn’t put it down. I was up until 2 or 3am every night and reading it at every opportunity I could…I finished it in less than two weeks for crying out loud!!! My husband was so irritated by new “hobby” of reading before bed, with no snuggle time for him…this book caused a lot of arguments, but all I wanted was more!! I was very disappointed with the end, because like many have said, there was not an end. I am compelled to write a sequel if Mr. Faber doesn’t…I’m sure it would make a ton of profit and satisfy so many out there that have invested so much…not only time, but emotions. While Mr. Faber has left my imagination running wild, I would like to see how he sees it in the END!!! So, with that, I’d like to say, please, please Mr. Faber, give us an end.

By: Vicki Mon, 06 Aug 2007 01:30:51 +0000 I am torn. I too felt so cheated and frustrated by the ending that was not an ending. It all seemed so incomplete. With that in mind I would quickly devour a sequel. On the other hand, leaving me to wonder about the many possible fates for Sugar, Sophie, Agnes, William and Emmeline has been intriguing. Part of me wants a sequel, part of me wants to continue exploring the possible endings. I only truly enjoy a book that requires me to think about human nature. Motives, emotions, reactions…..the why and the wherefores…that is what captures me as a reader.

By: Linda Carpenter Fri, 27 Apr 2007 03:14:16 +0000 895 compelling pages and then??????When is the sequel? Are we just supposed to guess what happens to Sugar and Sophie? I may assign this to my Egnlish class and have them all take a stab and writing the “real” ending.

By: Sally Tue, 09 May 2006 14:14:34 +0000 I am also furious at the ending! Scratch that….WHAT ENDING???? I think it is irresponsible to get a reader so involved in characters and then leave them hanging…there is NO ENDING to this book…

I will NOT read another of his books. I loved The Crimson Petal and The White. Until the last page. I do not appeciate investing that much time and emotion in a novel and then being left empty.

By: Julee Wed, 25 Jan 2006 20:50:35 +0000 I too and frustrated. I just finished this book as a book on tape and had to keep rewinding the last side to make sure that I didn’t miss something….WHERE IS THE END….Sophie, Sugar, Agnes….what happened…

Please finish the story!

By: Pamela Wed, 29 Jun 2005 09:21:57 +0000 Miia, I’m with you regarding the untied ends. I read the last page again and again, presuming William died - or was that me, just willing it to happen… I adored the book, and have bought it as a gift for others to share the joy, but I saw no point in Henry’s demise and desperately wanted to know what became of Sugar and Sophie.
Would love to see a Volume 2.

By: Emma Dove Thu, 21 Apr 2005 00:46:23 +0000 Miia - I agree! I charged through the last 50 pages, even though it was 1 a.m. on a work night, and when I’d finished I couldn’t sleep because I felt empty and bewildered… I didn’t even get Henry was dreaming of having sex with Emmeline when he snuffed it - only when I’d read the passge a further two times to try and understand how the hell that had come about did I twig… aah - I’m always the same with fiction; I want to barely think and relax, not be unravelling puzzles at every turn. If you haven’t yet, and need satisfaction after your frustration, read “The Pillars of the Earth” by Ken Follett – as much of a page turner, as huge, but all plots squared off at the end. Much better.

By: miia illiano Mon, 06 Oct 2003 02:53:08 +0000 I’m not curious about the ending of The Crimson Petal and the White….I am FURIOUS!!! After going SO far as to read an 894 (or 895) page book (which I could not put down by the way) I reached the end and thought “What??” I don’t belong to a book club, I don’t want to ask myself questions about what may have happened - I feel that the author should have supplied that. I want to know if Agnes is dead or alive, I want to know if William married Mrs. Bridgelow, I want to know where in the world Sugar & Sophie ended up…hmmm…did Not like the ending.

By: miia illiano Mon, 06 Oct 2003 02:53:03 +0000 I’m not curious about the ending of The Crimson Petal and the White….I am FURIOUS!!! After going SO far as to read an 894 (or 895) page book (which I could not put down by the way) I reached the end and thought “What??” I don’t belong to a book club, I don’t want to ask myself questions about what may have happened - I feel that the author should have supplied that. I want to know if Agnes is dead or alive, I want to know if William married Mrs. Bridgelow, I want to know where in the world Sugar & Sophie ended up…hmmm…did Not like the ending.
